Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Leadership in William Shakespeares Henry V Essay

Leadership in William Shakespeares Henry V At the time when Henry V was written in 1599, Englandwas in chaos, facing many dilemmas. The country was coming to the end of the Elizabethan era. Queen Elizabeth was in the final years of her reign and she was getting old, which must be taken into consideration. Therefore, the issue of succession was very topical. Who was to become the next monarch of England? This issue arose because there was no heir to the throne since the Queen had no children and had remained unmarried. Powerful Catholic countries surrounded England, who had broken away from the Pope in the reign of Henry VIII. They saw Englandas a potential country to invade and reconvert to†¦show more content†¦The actor calls for inspiration to help show the great events and heroic characters involved in the play which is to be presented. Henrys reputation before he came to the throne was far from perfect. When he was younger, he had lived a libertine lifestyle and had a dissolute past. His life had been extremely corrupt. Henry was known as a playboy. He nearly drank himself to death as well as being a heavy gambler. Many people were very worried that Henry was too young and immature to take over the huge job of being King of England. People were scared that Henry was going to ruin the country. They wondered whether he was suitable for the highest royal office. Another concern of the public was that he was estranged from his father. They did not know how he was going to cope being King without his father teaching him anything on how to be a good King. Henrys father had died when he was a small child. Nevertheless he had enormous backing when he came to the throne. He had advisers to help him with the day to day running of the country so he wasnt entirely on his own. By writing a prologue, Shakespeare has attempted to involve the audience as soon as possible, as well as setting the scene. The audience already gets the impression that Henry is a hero as the actor speaking the prologue states him being powerful and brave. However, the prologue notes that the audience willShow MoreRelatedReligious Leadership In William Shakespeares King Henry V1450 Words   |  6 PagesName: Instructor’s name: Date: Subject: William Shakespeare: â€Å"King Henry V† Though William Shakespeare: â€Å"King Henry V† may not be one of the best of his plays, through the protagonist King Henry V he depicts an ideal image that leaders should seek religious guidance from religious leaders in the quest to rule. This is to provide guidance in their leadership and rule. 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