Sunday, January 12, 2020

Globalization and Early America, 1492-1750

America’s present is significantly shaped by its past. Hence, it is vital for one to grasp the concepts that formed America to what it is now. Globalization in America is one of the key notions that play a vital role in forming today’s society. Though several scholars place the origins of globalization in modern times, others trace its history long before the European age of discovery and voyages to the New World. However, did early American history play a role in creating today’s globalization? Does globalization in the past play a positive, or negative role in this time period? While some might argue that weakening national autonomy is a negative result of globalization, others might defend that it has also sparked economic innovation. One of the major characters that changed the history of the world was Christopher Columbus. What would be the outcome today if Columbus never discovered the New World? Firstly, colonization would be nonexistent. In addition, without colonization U. S. ould have never created. The creation of the U. S. helped move much of the world towards democracy. It also led to the development of what is now the world's only superpower. A world without the United States is impossible to imagine today. Furthermore, a discovery by another major character, Ferdinand Magellan, also had a tremendous impact on the history of the world. He proved that oceans connected continents rather than dividing them. How did this important discovery influence today’s economy? By having the knowledge that oceans were great global passageways, Magellan had demonstrated that continents could be linked. Europe had the opportunity to establish a great economy and military power over Asian, Africa and the Americas that created great global trade networks. This was the beginning of the creation of globalization, which is very significant for today’s world economy. This also further demonstrates that early American history did play a role in creating today’s globalization.

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