Monday, May 25, 2020

Globalization and Outsourcing Can be Beneficial Essay

For decades, American citizens have been complaining about how outsourcing has ruined their lives and that it is only going to harm America and its economy. Unfortunately, jobs are going to be lost and the unemployment rate may rise due to globalization. However, the benefits of globalization are infinite. People in other parts of the world will achieve a greater life than they ever thought possible due to the factories built in their countries. Due to the poverty in third world countries, these factories will provide a great source of income for the citizens of third world countries. People in America will benefit from the stable economy; prices of America’s goods will stay relatively the same. Despite the misinformed Americans opinions†¦show more content†¦Moreover, globalization is necessary to the ongoing success of the U.S. economy. On a wider scale, in an article about inflation, Kenneth Rogoff, the Director of the Center for International Development at Harvard University, states that â€Å"globalization†¦has played a strong supporting role in the past decade’s disinflation.† ( In fact Rogoff shows that from 1981 to 2003, the inflation for developing countries has dropped from 12 to 4 percent while the inflation for developed countries has dropped from 11 to a low 2 percent. These statistics are staggering and simply proves one of the overwhelming benefits of the world economy. Moreover, these statistics not only show third world countries benefiting from the fusion of global trade, but also the improvement of the economy for developed countries. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The benefits of globalization for third world countries are tremendously unprecedented. Relieving individuals of the horrendous living standards of third world countries, outsourcing has helped creates jobs in places where families are clueless about where their next meal is coming from.Show MoreRelatedGlobalization Essay1402 Words   |  6 PagesA case for globalization Globalization is an inescapable factor in the global economy today. Its effects can be felt throughout the world in industrialized and developing nations alike. The â€Å"process of globalization is so pervasive that it affects all businesses,† (Lawrence Weber, 2014, p. 71). The benefits of globalization are apparent to organizations and nations such as reduction in poverty and benefits to consumers. But globalization must be properly balanced with a covential pledge to careRead MoreThe Main Goals Of Free Trade Agreements1186 Words   |  5 Pagestrade agreements is globalization. Globalization, or global free trade, is the creation of trading connections between countries throughout the world (Globalization). 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