Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Work and Organization for Management Journal-myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theWork and Organization for Management Journal. Answer: Introduction Work and its importance in society has been a subject of scrutiny and commentary in recent days. Changing nature of work and work culture in an organization is a main cause of concern for many professionals and researchers (Afzalur Rahim 2012). Speed of change in the nature of work in an organization has dawned a new era replacing the old one. The following discussion is about the changes, trends and issues in management which an organization experiences in a professional world. Changing Nature of Work in Organization in Recent Scenario Work culture has been changing day by day and there are various facets of change which can be observed in an organization (Judith Heerwagen 2017). These changes may be brought by the working individuals as well as the organization itself. Some of the changes are: Reduction in hierarchical structure: Hierarchy is known to be rigid and do not comply easily with the changing nature of market demands. Continuous innovation, pressure and decreased cycle time are some of the changes an organization has to adopt in real time (Miyake and Friedman 2012). They are been substituted by cross unit grouping in the organizations with less layers and with a more decentralized approach. Teams being the basic unit of work: When there is a team-based structure in an organization efficiency increases, rapid decision making can happen and the organization can take more pressure of work (Parris and Peachey 2013). Fading boundaries: If the structure of the organization is lateral the boundaries start to vanish and different teams start to work together with much ease to get the work done (Schneider, Ehrhart and Macey 2013). When this culture is in practice the restrictions between different layers of the organization such as managers, team leads, and associates diminish and the flow of knowledge and sharing of experiences happen which increases the efficiency and speed of work. New perspective of management: Workers are more focused towards the goals and targets set by the organization for them to achieve than worrying over the rules regulations and protocols of the organization (William Pirraglia 2017). This gives them the leverage of doing efficient work with a free mind and will. Commitment towards their work increases and a sense of motivation in induced in the workers. Restrictions create blockages in the minds of the workers which are reduced a great deal with changing nature of work. Continuous change: In todays working trend organizations tend to recycle and reorganize the way of working. Changes may be huge or little but they leave an impact on the minds of workers which in turn changes the way they work (Yasin Ghadi, Fernando and Caputi 2013). Identification of three types of change are done which are termed as metamorphosis (radical change having deep impact), migration (moving towards new trends) and elaboration (changes that increase the character of work). Strains, Dilemmas and Contradictions of Management It is a common phenomenon to observe that if any change is occurring at any place which may be positive or negative, has to face some issues and problems and even has to overcome them to stay in the game (Judith Heerwagen 2017). Issues may be genuine or induced by the change itself. Many workers who are used to working in a particular framework may not adopt the rapid changes made by the organization. Personal Issues: They may have personality issues, conflicts with the viewpoint of their peers and superiors about the nature of work they are made to do (Judith Heerwagen 2017). To work in a team its members must be in consensus with each other and the collective goal of the work they will do. If there is any conflict in the team the whole system becomes inefficient. Organizational Communication: In any organization communication is a very big issue as if proper guidelines and methods are not properly conveyed to the workers, then there may be a situation of confusion which may lead to redundancy of work (William Pirraglia 2017). This reduces the impact of work one does for its organization and motivation is reduced. Magnification of problems: Small issue of one employee can become a hazard for the entire organization if it is not checked and corrected immediately (Judith Heerwagen 2017). Office politics is one such factor which needs to be tackled with iron rod. This phenomenon has destroyed many organizations and its working culture may it be at lower staff levelor at higher administration level. Conclusion If the matters arising in an organization are to be tackled at the managerial level then one should start with solving the current problem right away. Addressing the problem from its root level should be the second step as it gives the complete idea of the issue and also offers a solution in many cases. Managers need to understand the problems its subordinate is facing and they need to respond in most genuine way keeping the staff in their confidence. It should also be kept in mind that work should not get hampered for much duration of time due to any conflict or issue in the organization. Reference Afzalur Rahim, M., 2012. Toward a theory of managing organizational conflict.International journal of conflict management,13(3), pp.206-235. Baer, M., 2012. 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Organizational climate and culture.Annual review of psychology,64, pp.361-388. William Pirraglia 2017.Organizational Problems in the Workplace. [online] Smallbusiness.chron.com. Available at: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/organizational-problems-workplace-12570.html [Accessed 12 Sep. 2017]. Yasin Ghadi, M., Fernando, M. and Caputi, P., 2013. Transformational leadership and work engagement: The mediating effect of meaning in work.Leadership Organization Development Journal,34(6), pp.532-550.

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